суббота, 7 мая 2011 г.


A spoof of buddy cop movies where two very different cops are forced to team up on a new reality based T.V. cop show.



LAPD Detective Sergeant Mitch Preston cares only about doing his job and nailing crooks. LAPD Patrol Officer Trey Sellars joined the force as a day job until his acting career took off. During an undercover drug buy Mitch was working that Trey botched by calling in for backup and drawing media attention, Mitch's partner is shot with a very exotic 12-gauge automatic weapon; Mitch then shoots the video camera out of the hands of a reporter filming the action when the cameraman refused to shut it down. Faced with a $10 million lawsuit, the department agrees to let producer Chase Renzi film Mitch's ! investigation for a new reality TV show, and constantly tries to make everything more "viewer friendly" by changing everything about Mitch's life to fit the stereotypical view of police officers--and partners him with Trey. Written by Jeff Cross <blackjac_1998@yahoo.com>

Mitch Preston is a hard-nosed, hardworking police detective. Following in the reality-based TV trend, TV producer Chase Renzi wants Mitch to star in her new show about the day-to-day activities of a real cop (think COPS). Not a moment will go by when he isn't on camera, whether at work or at home. Mitch doesn't particular like the idea, especially working with his new partner Trey Sellars, a cop who spends much of his time mugging for the cameras mounted inside the car he shares with Mitch. The two never get along -- Mitch is trying to investigate the whereabouts of a criminal who possesses a mythical "big gun" that has enough firepower to collapse a house, while Trey! just wants to be famous. Written by Michael Ji <jekim! erider31 0@yahoo.com>

Genres: Action Comedy Crime

Release year: 2002

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